Conference on Battery Direct Recycling 2024
October 29-30, 2024
Congress Centrum Wuerzburg

Closing the Loop

Direct battery recycling is a key strategy to maximize sustainability and geopolitical independence along the battery value chain

The new EU Battery Directive is driving this growing interest. It requires low carbon footprint batteries, stricter policies on critical raw materials (CRM) and high-quality recycling of batteries including re-use rates for CRM. The BD is expected to become a global benchmark.

This is accompanied by the EU Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) to strengthen circularity, including recycling.
An economic pathway meet those requirements on industrial scale are a range of modern efficient recycling methods phrased “direct recycling”.

The Fraunhofer ISC has been working for several years to optimize direct recycling in terms of technological feasibility and economic viability.
The "Conference on Battery Direct Recycling", initiated by the Fraunhofer R&D Center for Electromobility Bavaria FZEB of the ISC, is intended to provide a platform for networking for stakeholders from research, industry and politics.

The goal of the conference is to strengthen the direct recycling community and collectively unlock the potential to contribute to a more sustainable and economically viable battery ecosystem.

Direct Battery Recycling Paves the Way
for a Circular Economy


To be completed

Day 1 10/29/2024

09:00 Welcome and Conference Opening
Conference Board & Organizing Committee
09:10 - 10:20 Session 1 - Policy & Regulations             
Marcel Meeus (Susteco), Keynote
Claude Chanson (Recharge Assocation)
Bozorg Khanbaei (BEPA)
10:20 - 12:10 Session 2 - Recycling Processes 1            
Emma Kendrick (Uni Birmingham), Keynote
Nora Bartolome (EMPA)
Abdelfattah Mahmoud (Uni Liege)
Cleis Santos (Fraunhofer IFAM)
12:10 Lunch
13:10 - 15:00 Session 3 - LCA & Digitalization
Alejandro Franco (Université de Picardie Jules Verne), Keynote
Marco Gleiß (KIT)
15:00 Coffee Break
15:30 - 15:50 Session 4 - Recycling Processes 2
Dawit Ayana (Kyburz), Keynote
17:00 - 19:00 Poster Session and Networking
19:30 Conference Dinner

Day 2 10/30/2024

09:00 - 10:40 Session 5 - EU Initiatives            
Kristina Edström, Battery 2030+
Eliana Quartanone (Uni Pavia), Renovate Project (HEU)
Marco Schott (Fraunhofer ISC), ReUSE Project (HEU)
Jeroen Spooren (VITO), Acrobat Project (Era. Min)
Michael Hofmann (Fraunhofer ISC), RecyLIB Project (Era. Min)
10:40 Coffee Break             
11:00 - 12:50 Session 6 - Recycling Processes 3
Steve Sloop (Onto Technology), Keynote
Jean-Paul de Mussy (Pole MegaTech)
Michael Wagner (BMW Group)
Andreas Bittner (Cellcircle)
Max Rettenmeier (Trumpf)
12:50 Lunch
14:00 - 15:50 Session 7 - Design for Recycling
Nestor Antunano (CIC Energigune)
Karl Mandel (FAU, Erlangen) & Tobias Kraus (Leibniz-Institut für Neue Materialien)
15:50 Coffee Break
16:20 - 17:00 Panel Discussion on Direct Recycling & Closing Remarks
17:00   End of Conference

Congress location and Wuerzburg impressions

Conference fees and registration

Students, speaker and poster authors: 249 €

Scientific participants and participants from industry 399 €

(Included is catering during the day)

Registration Deadline: September 15, 2024

Program and venue will be updated shortly.


Get registered


Call for abstracts

Contributions (oral and poster) from researchers at all levels are highly appreciated. Slots for oral contributions will be selected by the conference board on the basis of the originality of the research, the level of results indicated in the abstract, and the relevance for the field of Direct Battery Recycling.

Deadlines for Abstract Submission:

June 30, 2024 (oral)
July 31, 2024 (poster)


  • From researchers and experts from industry
  • Each presenting author may submit only one abstract
  • The official language of the conference is English
  • The abstract must not exceed 600 words (references and acknowledgments included) and may include one figure

Please note that only limited places are available.

Abstract Submission


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